Valentine's Day Edition

  1. 2. The place where you told me I love you for the first time
  2. 5. What did we order on our first date
  3. 7. Where was the start of our staycations?
  4. 9. Where could anyone find us at 3am when we started dating?
  5. 10. Our favorite soup
  6. 11. We can't go to a restaurant (not really) if they don't have this
  7. 13. Our first concert
  8. 14. My gift to you last year for Valentine's Day
  1. 1. Our first vacation
  2. 3. What hotel did we "break-in?"
  3. 4. The place where we took our first picture
  4. 6. Our first day trip
  5. 8. Where did we eat last year for Valentine's Day?
  6. 12. Our favorite pastime in the summer