Valentine's Day from the Peanuts Gang

  1. 3. Bear, cuddly stuffed animal (two words)
  2. 5. delicate Valentine card decoration
  3. 6. tulips, carnations, and daisies are kinds of ______________
  4. 7. people send and receive Valentine's Day ________ on Valentine's Day
  5. 10. a black and white, or a colored snapshot
  6. 11. chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and ginger snaps are types of __________
  7. 12. the color of Valentine hearts and roses
  8. 13. decorate boxes of Valentine chocolates with ribbons tied in _____________
  1. 1. sweets
  2. 2. type of fragrance that girls and ladies spray on themselves to smell nice
  3. 4. necklaces, bracelets, and rings
  4. 7. the little guy who flies around making people fall in love
  5. 8. a red flower that means love
  6. 9. Cupid might shoot one through your heart