Valentine's Day Puzzle

  1. 2. Month after Valentine's Day
  2. 3. Valentine's Day Baby
  3. 5. What you may write to your lover. There are also 26 of these in the alphabet
  4. 9. ___, two, three
  5. 10. Sound a clock makes. Also a popular social media
  6. 11. They protect your hands from the cold
  7. 12. What Cupid may strike you with?
  8. 13. Symbol of love, that beats
  9. 15. The tastiest Valentine's Day gift
  10. 19. Celebration of love
  11. 21. Number of days in February, most of the time
  12. 22. Fruit that pairs well with 16-across
  1. 1. Name of our school
  2. 4. A colour of Valentine's Day
  3. 6. The month in which this holiday takes place
  4. 7. Flower of Valentine's Day
  5. 8. Coldest season
  6. 10. Number in a duo
  7. 14. Another colour of Valentine's Day
  8. 16. Another sign of affection
  9. 17. I ___ you
  10. 18. Sign of affection
  11. 20. Month before Valentine's Day