Valentines Day Spelling Words

  1. 1. milk dark or caramel.
  2. 3. the act of getting ready for an event.
  3. 7. a cute little guy who carries around a bow and arrow.
  4. 10. reserving something.
  5. 12. valentines day is in this month.
  6. 14. a gift made at home by you not a machine.
  7. 19. beautiful red flowers.
  8. 21. someone you care about deeply.
  9. 23. emotionally rewarding or up-lifting.
  10. 24. a word to address a beloved person.
  1. 2. a polite comment to someone.
  2. 3. a type of bird
  3. 4. a person who has a deep interest in someone or something.
  4. 5. felling lucky or happy.
  5. 6. after you get engaged you have a ________.
  6. 8. the state of being friends.
  7. 9. extremely beautiful, and typically delicate.
  8. 11. beautiful pink flowers.
  9. 13. the day valentines day falls on.
  10. 15. an object filled with air people use to decorate for a party.
  11. 16. This is where you put a card in.
  12. 17. dim light provided by candles.
  13. 18. If you get many flowers all together it is called a _________________.
  14. 20. a special person on valentines day.
  15. 22. a place to sit down and eat dinner.