Valentine's Day

  1. 1. These birds are a symbol of love
  2. 8. A stuffed animal usually given on Valentine's Day (Two Words)
  3. 10. In "XOXOXO" the X represents
  4. 12. Two people in love
  5. 13. Something a poet writes
  6. 15. A secret ____ might give you an anonymous present
  7. 17. In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of this deity
  8. 19. Jewelry you wear on your finger
  9. 20. This organ of the body is the most common symbol of love
  10. 21. Bees make this substance, also a nickname to give a loved one
  11. 22. Cupid's wife
  12. 24. "Violets are ___"
  13. 26. "Sugar is ____"
  14. 28. "_____ Valentine's Day"
  1. 2. A couple that have promised to marry one another are said to be ____
  2. 3. A heart shaped box full of _____
  3. 4. Did the mail carrier leave any Valentines in your ____
  4. 5. School children often exchange this on Valentine's Day
  5. 6. St. Valentine is known as the patron saint of ____
  6. 7. Two people dating are in a _____
  7. 9. What cupid shoots
  8. 11. The month of Valentine's Day
  9. 14. "Be ____"
  10. 16. A Valentine's Day color
  11. 18. The most popular flower on Valentine's Day
  12. 23. He shoots love arrows
  13. 25. A Valentine's Day emotion
  14. 27. The Greek name for Cupid
  15. 28. In "XOXOXO" the O represents