Valentine's Day

  1. 2. different in nature or kind
  2. 3. active, occupied with many things to do
  3. 7. city in Italy
  4. 8. special cards sent on February 14
  5. 10. ornaments for the neck, ears, wrist, etc.
  6. 11. pieces of paper with messages written on the inside
  7. 13. the earth
  8. 14. one whose name is widely known & recognized
  9. 15. currency; paper or coins used to buy goods or services
  1. 1. small pieces of candy made from cacao beans
  2. 3. one million times 1,000
  3. 4. adult females
  4. 5. 2nd month of the year
  5. 6. adj., displaying or expressing love & affection
  6. 9. opposite of buying
  7. 12. traditional flower sent on Valentine's Day