- 1. The symbol of love
- 6. Powerful feeling of either love or hate
- 7. Man in Shakespeare's play
- 8. St. in St. Valentine
- 10. A song performed to a lover
- 11. A bunch of flowers
- 13. A person who likes you without telling
- 18. Love at first sight
- 19. Life is like this
- 2. A hug
- 3. A genre of film or novel
- 4. Birds with great affection for each other
- 5. A love poem by Shakespeare
- 9. Something that is nostalgic and happy
- 12. Loving someone who does not love you
- 14. The number of roses
- 15. Someone who wishes to marry another
- 16. Slang for a short, but passionate, love
- 17. Woman in Shakespeare's play
- 19. Roman God of Love with a bow and arrow