Valentine's/Single's Awareness Day Crossword Toivo Tulp 11.D

  1. 3. When is National Singles Day (related to Singles Awareness Day) celebrated?
  2. 5. When is Singles Awareness Day celebrated?
  3. 6. What kind of love is celebrated during Single's Awareness Day and National Singles Day?
  4. 9. What is said to be the reason for the existence of Singles Awareness Day?
  5. 10. What symbol is often used during Valentine's Day to indicate love?
  1. 1. What treat is commonly associated with Valentine's Day?
  2. 2. Why do some people spite Valentine's Day and opt to observe Singles Awareness Day instead?
  3. 4. What religion did Valentine's Day originate from?
  4. 7. In what country did the history of Valentine's Day begin?
  5. 8. What flowers are commonly given out during Valentine's Day?