Valley Forge

  1. 6. of clothing and shoes made the winter difficult.
  2. 8. The war lasted ____ years.
  3. 9. 12,0000 _______ marched into Valley Forge on December 19th, 1777.
  4. 10. Daily ration of one-half pound of _____ where given to each man.
  5. 11. The army left Valley Forge in _____.
  6. 12. The army stay for _______ months.
  1. 1. Made an alliance with the Continental Army.
  2. 2. _________ killed nearly 2,000 people.
  3. 3. Lived near by and helped the Continental Army.
  4. 4. diseases like influenza and _______ spread through the camp.
  5. 5. The winter of 1777-78 was not the _______.
  6. 7. The army built 2,000-odd ______________.