Value and Color Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 2. colors produced by mixing a primary color and the adjacent secondary color on the color wheel
  2. 4. colors from which all other colors are made by mixing: red, yellow, and blue
  3. 7. colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and are closely related, such as yellow, yellow-orange, yellow-green and green
  4. 11. colors or hues in which yellow and red are dominant and located on the left side of the color wheel
  5. 12. the purity, vividness or intensity of a color
  6. 13. a powdered coloring material for paint, crayons, chalks and ink
  7. 14. one color which is modified by changing the values and saturation of the hue by additions of black or white
  8. 17. two colors which are directly opposite each other on the color wheel meaning they are in extreme contrast to each other
  9. 18. colors that result form a mixture of two primary colors: orange, green, and violet
  1. 1. colors not associated with any hue such as black, white and gray and are neither warm nor cool
  2. 3. Italian word meaning light-dark
  3. 5. a complementary combination in which a hue is combined with hues on either side of its complement on the color wheel
  4. 6. an element of design concerned with the degree of lightness and darkness of colors
  5. 8. variations in value to suggest form, volume and depth in artworks
  6. 9. a lighter value of a hue made by adding a small amount of another color to it
  7. 10. the property of color that distinguishes one gradation from another and gives it its name
  8. 15. colors or hues in which blue is dominant and found on the right side of the color wheel
  9. 16. color scheme made of any three colors equidistant on the color wheel