
  1. 2. - Sharp teeth used for biting
  2. 3. - Vital fluid vampires crave
  3. 6. - Wooden weapon used to defeat vampires
  4. 9. - Harmful to vampires in folklore
  5. 12. - Vampires are active during the night
  6. 14. - What some believe turns humans into vampires
  1. 1. - Famous vampire from literature
  2. 4. - Vampires prefer this kind of environment
  3. 5. - Insatiable craving for blood
  4. 7. - What happens to a human bitten by a vampire
  5. 8. - Type of being vampires are often depicted as
  6. 9. - How some vampires lure their victims
  7. 10. - Vampires search for prey during the night
  8. 11. - Creature often associated with vampires
  9. 13. - Resting place for a vampire during the day