Vampire diaries

  1. 4. original vampire Hunter
  2. 5. Alarics last name
  3. 6. who turned Katherine?
  4. 8. devils name
  5. 9. who put elena in a coma
  6. 11. when did Damon and Stefan turn?
  7. 14. jeremys ex
  8. 15. who turned rose?
  9. 17. who is elenas bio mum?
  1. 1. how old was Katherine when she turned?
  2. 2. youngest original
  3. 3. what is the original families last name?
  4. 5. what song did Stefan and elena dance to with her humanity off?
  5. 6. Stefans nickname
  6. 7. the sirens name
  7. 9. who killed scary Mary?
  8. 10. Who was stefans first kill?
  9. 12. bonnies boyfriend
  10. 13. who killed Jeremy the first time?
  11. 16. what can Damon turn into?