
  1. 2. Sentence``There was a considerable________between the deaths``
  2. 3. A set of technical heavy rules
  3. 5. To twist out of shape
  4. 7. To be heavy and difficult to use
  5. 10. The theory of knowledge
  6. 11. Used as an adhesive
  7. 12. The science and art if education
  8. 13. To be marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; fervid; inclined to react violently
  1. 1. An uncaring, emotional action
  2. 3. Hate coupled with disgust
  3. 4. To be different from other standards
  4. 6. Another word for ambush
  5. 7. Another word for smug
  6. 8. Petty; mean
  7. 9. Another word for boil
  8. 14. Another word for sacrifice