Varieties and Registers of Written and Spoken Language

  1. 3. Since American English is widely used around the world, there is no _____ or correct variety.
  2. 8. talks about the technical of appearance.
  3. 9. _____ and layouts are protocols that can differ greatly from country to country.
  4. 10. a style of communication characterized by its relaxed and conversational nature.
  5. 11. refers to the level of formality or informality used by a writer or speaker, which is influenced by factors such as audience, topic, and purpose.
  6. 15. One of the three language points other than vocabulary and punctuation.
  7. 16. another term for Frozen Register.
  8. 18. a language use that remains unchanged due to custom or etiquette.
  9. 19. refers to the rise and fall in pitch during speech.
  10. 20. when writing a formal letter, the sender’s address would be placed here.
  1. 1. defined as contraction and abbreviation both in writing and speaking.
  2. 2. relating to the speech of common people.
  3. 4. it is the conventional language level you would use in transactional situations.
  4. 5. a general term for any distinctive form of a language or linguistic expression.
  5. 6. having a relationship with the audience 's anticipation.
  6. 7. often involves the use of strong and offensive words or expressions.
  7. 12. Written Language tends to be more complex and ______. While, spoken language tends to be full of repetitions, incomplete sentences, and etc.
  8. 13. when students write something they already set in their mind to be done in one session.
  9. 14. concerned with the way our speech sounds.
  10. 17. This is done to the register to ensure that our communication is clear, concise, and effective in achieving our intended purpose.