VBS Fundamentals Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. a technique to document for a process it's Takt Time, Work Sequence, and Standard Work in process
  2. 5. a 4-step process to address a problem when we don't know what to do
  3. 7. how Vontier operating companies ensure processes are winning vs. losing and apply daily problem solving as needed
  4. 9. a method to take a cluttered, disorganized workplace and get it organized
  1. 1. a technique to map the step-by-step process at the 30 ft. level
  2. 3. tool to help visualize a process at the 100,000ft level and identify waste
  3. 4. we collect an evaluate information to clarify customer WANTS vs. NEEDS
  4. 6. the process used to apply VBS Tools for process improvement efforts
  5. 8. how Vontier test theories and hypothsis' to quickly confirm or invalidate assumptions