
  1. 2. Bell-shaped, colorful vegetable used in various dishes
  2. 6. White vegetable with a distinctive appearance
  3. 7. Green vegetable with a refreshing taste
  4. 8. Small, round green vegetable typically found in pods
  5. 13. Yellow or white vegetable often enjoyed on the cob
  6. 15. Red fruit often used as a vegetable in cooking
  7. 16. Green vegetable with a tree-like appearance
  8. 17. Small, red or white vegetable with a spicy flavor
  9. 18. Orange vegetable often used in salads and as a snack
  10. 19. Leafy green or red vegetable often used in coleslaw
  11. 20. A pungent vegetable used as a base in many recipes
  1. 1. Tender green vegetable with long, slender stalks
  2. 3. Purple vegetable used in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines
  3. 4. Orange-fleshed root vegetable often baked or mashed
  4. 5. Fungus with various culinary uses
  5. 9. Leafy green used in salads and sandwiches
  6. 10. Starchy tuber, a staple in many dishes
  7. 11. Summer squash often used in cooking
  8. 12. Leafy green often used in salads and cooking
  9. 14. Long, slender vegetable often cooked as a side dish