
  1. 4. Leafy, green superheroes that make you strong, like Popeye's secret to big muscles.
  2. 6. Bumpy brown friends that can turn into fries, chips, or mashed magic on your plate.
  3. 8. Crunchy, orange sticks that are like healthy wands, perfect for rabbits and kids.
  4. 9. Round and crunchy leaves for coleslaw and more, like tasty wraps for your taste buds.
  5. 10. Small, red bulbs that add a pop of peppery flavor, like spicy surprises in salads.
  6. 12. Tiny green trees that taste yummy with a secret superpower to make you strong.
  7. 14. Purple buddies for savory dishes, like delicious canvases for creative cooking.
  1. 1. White clouds for healthy recipes, like a blank canvas for tasty creations.
  2. 2. Cool and crisp slices, like refreshing bites of green that beat the summer heat.
  3. 3. Round, juicy buddies in salads and sauces, like flavorful and colorful surprises.
  4. 5. Green, versatile veggies for noodles or muffins, like magic wands in the kitchen.
  5. 6. Small, green orbs that hop onto your plate, like mini surprises in every bite.
  6. 7. Tender green spears for elegant dinners, like forest treasures on your plate.
  7. 11. Golden, sweet kernels on the cob, like sunshine in your hands during summer feasts.
  8. 13. Pepper Colorful and crunchy cups for tasty fillings, like nature's bowls for delicious adventures.