
  1. 1. Purple vegetable with a spongy texture, commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine.
  2. 3. Pepper Colorful and crisp vegetable available in green, red, yellow, or orange, used in various cuisines.
  3. 6. Orange squash often used in cooking, especially in pies or soups.
  4. 7. Green vegetable with tender spears, commonly grilled or cooked.
  5. 10. Starchy tuber available in different varieties, used in various dishes.
  6. 11. White vegetable with a mild flavor, versatile for various dishes.
  7. 14. Cylindrical vegetable with a cool, refreshing taste, often sliced or used in salads.
  8. 17. Green vegetable with florets, rich in nutrients and used in salads or stir-fries.
  9. 20. Root vegetable with a peppery taste, often used in salads or garnishes.
  1. 2. Beans Long, crunchy pods, typically cooked or used in salads.
  2. 4. Leafy green often used in salads, known for its mild taste and crispness.
  3. 5. Small, round seeds with a sweet taste, used in dishes or as a side.
  4. 8. Clove vegetable with a strong taste, used to add flavor to dishes.
  5. 9. Leafy green with an earthy taste, often used in salads, soups, or cooked dishes.
  6. 12. Red fruit with various uses in cooking, often sliced for sandwiches or used in sauces.
  7. 13. Yellow grain with a sweet taste, used in various recipes or eaten as a side.
  8. 15. Leafy vegetable with tightly packed leaves, used in a variety of cuisines.
  9. 16. Summer squash with a mild taste, used in a variety of recipes.
  10. 18. Bulb vegetable with layers, commonly used for flavoring in cooking.
  11. 19. Root vegetable, commonly orange in color, often used in salads or cooked dishes.