
  1. 2. - "Green squash, can be grilled or baked"
  2. 3. - "Green vegetable with a tree-like shape"
  3. 6. - "Leafy green used in salads and sandwiches"
  4. 7. - "Comes in various colors, like red, green, and yellow"
  5. 8. - "Leafy green or purple vegetable, often used in coleslaw"
  6. 12. - "Green spears, delicious when roasted or steamed"
  7. 14. - "Red or sometimes yellow, used in salads and ketchup"
  8. 17. - "Fungi with a unique flavor, used in many dishes"
  9. 19. - "Dark green leafy vegetable, great for Popeye!"
  10. 20. - "Orange-fleshed, sweet and nutritious"
  1. 1. - "White, often used as a low-carb substitute"
  2. 4. - "Long, green, and often used in salads"
  3. 5. - "Sweet and colorful, used in salads and stir-fries"
  4. 9. - "Small green spheres, often found in fried rice"
  5. 10. - "Orange and crunchy, often Bugs Bunny's favorite"
  6. 11. - "Purple vegetable, often used in Mediterranean dishes"
  7. 13. - "Yellow kernels on a cob, a popular summer treat"
  8. 15. - "Adds flavor to dishes and makes you cry when chopped"
  9. 16. - "A versatile vegetable that can be mashed or fried"
  10. 18. - "Small, red, and crunchy root vegetable"