
  1. 3. Edible and crunchy pod.
  2. 5. Tender and pointed stem.
  3. 6. Sweet and orange inside
  4. 8. Long, thin stem with mild flavor.
  5. 10. Fleshy fruit, generally sweet in flavor.
  6. 12. Small edible green spheres.
  7. 13. Yellow or white grain on the cob.
  8. 14. Dark, nutritious green leaves.
  9. 16. Vegetable with green skin and juicy pulp.
  10. 20. White inflorescence used in various cuisines.
  11. 21. Edible and spicy root.
  12. 24. Bulb divided into cloves with strong flavor.
  13. 25. Crisp green leaves, common base for salads.
  14. 27. dark green leaves.
  1. 1. Dark purple-skinned fruit used as a vegetable.
  2. 2. Orange and crunchy root.
  3. 4. Mini button-shaped sprouts, cooked or roasted.
  4. 7. Bulbous root with mild flavor.
  5. 9. Dark and sweet root.
  6. 10. Fruit with a hard shell and soft, sweet pulp.
  7. 11. Red or yellow fruit used as a vegetable.
  8. 13. Green leaves with white stems, similar to spinach.
  9. 15. Edible flower with tender leaves.
  10. 17. Long, crisp stem with distinctive flavor.
  11. 18. Green florets in the shape of a tree.
  12. 19. onion with layers and characteristic flavor.
  13. 20. Edible mushrooms with caps and stems.
  14. 22. Green leafy herb used as a condiment.
  15. 23. A variety of squash with dense, sweet flesh.
  16. 26. A variety of pumpkin with an elongated shape.