
  1. 2. Orange squash, often used in pies and soups.
  2. 4. Dark green leafy vegetable, rich in nutrients.
  3. 7. Starchy vegetable, can be baked, fried, or mashed.
  4. 9. Pepper Colorful vegetable, can be red, green, or yellow.
  5. 10. Red fruit often used as a vegetable, juicy.
  6. 11. Leafy green used in salads, wraps, and sandwiches.
  7. 12. Small, red or white root vegetable, crisp and spicy.
  8. 14. Purple or black vegetable used in various dishes.
  1. 1. Bulb vegetable with layers, adds flavor to dishes.
  2. 3. Fungi with various shapes and sizes, used in cooking.
  3. 5. White vegetable with a dense, compact head.
  4. 6. Long green vegetable with watery content.
  5. 8. Summer squash, often green and versatile in cooking.
  6. 9. Green, bushy vegetable with a unique shape.
  7. 13. Orange vegetable, crunchy and good for eyes.