
  1. 3. Long and green
  2. 7. Green and disliked by many
  3. 9. Makes you cry
  4. 10. White and scares vampires away
  5. 14. Orange and has green at the top
  6. 15. Can be redish-purple or white
  7. 16. Orange with lots of seeds,used on a halloween
  8. 18. Red and is the most used vegetable
  9. 19. Crunchy and green
  1. 1. Comes in 3 different colours
  2. 2. Red/Purple is quite bland
  3. 3. White and has green leaves
  4. 4. White,brown and black,is a fungus
  5. 5. Green and looks like a tree
  6. 6. Yellow and used in many foods and drinks
  7. 8. Purple with green at the top
  8. 11. Green and small,grows in pods
  9. 12. Green and has lots of water
  10. 13. Spicy
  11. 17. Starchy and used in many foods