
  1. 2. Small, round, and green
  2. 3. Long and orange
  3. 4. Little green trees
  4. 6. Used to make pickles
  5. 8. Mostly used to make salads
  6. 9. Big and usually orange
  7. 10. Red, round, and juicy
  8. 12. They grow in the forest
  9. 13. Lots of little yellow kernels
  10. 14. Red, round, and spicy
  1. 1. They can be green, red, yellow, or orange
  2. 3. Like lettuce, but crunchy
  3. 5. Little snowy trees
  4. 7. Purple and funny shaped
  5. 9. Oval shaped and brown
  6. 11. Round, white or purple or yellow, and spicy