
  1. 2. Average consumption of this vegetable is estimated to be around 2 pounds per person and is better known for repelling a mythical monster
  2. 6. Can reach a height of 3.3 feet and was initially used to treat toothaches, insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, arthritis, and to purify the blood
  3. 8. The number one selling spice in America
  4. 11. Can grow up to 4.9 feet tall and used to be used by the ancient Greeks to treat nosebleeds
  5. 13. Was eaten in the Neolithic times and is considered one of the first domesticated crops
  6. 14. March 26th is this vegetables National Day and China still refers to it as “the Persian Green” paying homage to its country of origin
  7. 15. Products of this vegetable have over 3,500 uses
  8. 16. Leaves and seeds of this vegetable are used as seasoning while the bulb is used as a vegetable
  9. 17. Products of this food are the second most consumed food overall in the U.S.
  10. 19. Botanically classified as a fruit this is the state vegetable of New Jersey
  11. 22. Frequently cultivated near basil and parsley in gardens because it repels plants with it's spicy smell and taste
  12. 23. The voice actor of a famous cartoon eater of this vegetable was not a fan of it in real life
  13. 25. Astronaut Alan Shepard brought this vegetable with him to the moon
  14. 28. If a person is allergic to walnuts, parsley and figs they will likely show signs of being allergic to this vegetable as well
  15. 31. Mainly grown in Italy since the Roman Empire until a marriage in the 16th century brought this vegetable to France
  16. 32. Ancient Egyptians used to worship this vegetable and nowadays over 450 semi-truck loads of it are eaten every day
  17. 33. Roughly 600 species of the vegetable can be found around the world but are mostly grown in the tropical region
  1. 1. Used to be called “Peasants Cabbage” the ancient Greeks also used this in attempts to sober up
  2. 3. This vegetable used mainly as a garnish in today's cuisine is also used as an ingredient in a type of soft cheese eaten in Russia and Poland
  3. 4. The largest form of this vegetable was grown by a Dutchman and weighed 156 pounds
  4. 5. This versatile vegetable can be used in a Litmus test as well as being used to dye hair
  5. 6. Once served in rich and elegant dishes in the court of Louis XIV but now not a very popular vegetable
  6. 7. First brought to the U.S. by Italians in the 1920s, April 25th is this vegetables National Day (when baked into a bread)
  7. 9. In Japan slices of this root vegetable are used between courses to clear the palate
  8. 10. Cousins to Turnips this vegetable is a cross between a Turnip and a Cabbage
  9. 12. A species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit this culinary vegetable is botanically classified as a berry
  10. 18. There are 57,000 hectares dedicated to growing this vegetables in China alone
  11. 20. The largest form of this vegetable was over 5 feet in diameter and weighed over 350 pounds
  12. 21. Known as the “meat” of the vegetable world due to its popularity in dishes worldwide
  13. 24. Technically a flower bud that has not bloomed yet
  14. 26. Starchy root vegetables that taste sweeter if harvested after a frost, meaning they grow well in places with cold winters
  15. 27. Roughly 95% water this vegetable can allegedly cure bad breath
  16. 29. One of the earliest vegetables to be brought to America there are no archeological records to determine this vegetables origin
  17. 30. The name for this vegetable is translated from Narragansett language for a word meaning “a green thing eaten raw”