
  1. 1. like lettuce
  2. 3. this vegetable has “ribs”
  3. 6. it comes in a head
  4. 9. a fungi
  5. 12. grilled cheese and ____ soup.
  6. 15. like cauliflower
  7. 17. actually a fruit
  8. 18. good for your digestive system
  9. 19. has a tangy kick to it
  1. 2. fermented cucumber
  2. 4. actually a berry, not a vegetable
  3. 5. also means to smash something
  4. 7. spicy pepper
  5. 8. pandas eat this
  6. 10. has layers
  7. 11. cousin of broccoli
  8. 13. like onion
  9. 14. like a cucumber
  10. 15. The key ingredient in borscht
  11. 16. maize