
  1. 3. Seed of this plant, edible, small, bulky and yellow in color.
  2. 4. a spherical green seed that is eaten as a vegetable or as a pulse when dried.
  3. 5. small andred or sometimes purple vegetable
  4. 6. a widely cultivated edible Asian plant , with large, dark green leaves that are eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable.
  5. 8. Edible, cylindrical in shape, rough and rough rind, green or yellow, and inside a white flesh with many small and flat seeds in the center.
  6. 9. a large rounded orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds.
  7. 10. spicy, long ,and red vegetable
  8. 14. looks like a melon but inside is white
  9. 15. have thick green or purple leaves that look like lettuce
  10. 16. a swollen pungent-tasting edible root, especially a variety which is small, spherical, and red, and eaten raw with salad.
  11. 17. a cultivated variety of cabbage bearing heads of green or purplish flower buds that are eaten as a vegetable.
  12. 18. Large and purple vegetable
  13. 20. Little white vegetable that looks like a hat
  1. 1. This plant is edible, white or reddish in color, with a strong smell and a spicy taste.
  2. 2. a cultivated plant of the daisy family, with edible leaves that are a usual ingredient of salads
  3. 7. a cabbage of a variety which bears a large immature flower head of small creamy-white flower buds.
  4. 11. a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone.
  5. 12. an edible tropical tuber with pinkish orange, slightly sweet flesh
  6. 13. juicy stem, thick white and very small flowers and very green and large leaves
  7. 19. spicy bitter with brown skin and beige inside