
  1. 3. is a plump, nutrition orange vegetable.
  2. 4. is a hot tasting spice which is used to flavour food
  3. 6. is a species in the onion, that has strong taste and smell.
  4. 9. is a tall plant and typically yellow.
  5. 12. has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves.
  6. 14. is a vegetable that is similar with carrot.
  7. 17. is a long, green ,skinned fruit with watery flesh
  8. 18. is an edible plant with many leaves and a tender.
  9. 19. is a small and red fruit that is used in cooking as a vegetable.
  10. 20. is a vegetable related to garlic but have bundle of leaf.
  11. 21. is a long, orange root vegetable.
  12. 22. is a root vegetable.
  1. 1. bean is a vegetable that doesn't need to be peeled and cooks quickly
  2. 2. is a large, dark green leaves
  3. 3. is a spherical green seed.
  4. 5. is an oval, purple vegetable that is white inside.
  5. 7. is annual plant, most often used for salad
  6. 8. is a large, round vegetable that has a hard, white center surrounded by green leaves.
  7. 10. is a vegetable with a green stem and a mass of flower buds at the top.
  8. 11. is a vegetable with large light green.
  9. 13. is the tap root portion of a beet plant.
  10. 15. is large shape and thick fleshy, used as a spice in cooking
  11. 16. is fleshy, typically produced above ground.