
  1. 2. can lower the risk of diabetes.
  2. 3. Melon lowering blood sugar levels.
  3. 5. reduce heart disease damage.
  4. 7. Beans to treat animea.
  5. 9. prevent the development of cancer cells.
  6. 10. greens serves as an antioxidant that is good for the body.
  7. 11. serves to maintain eye health.
  8. 13. can prevent blood clots.
  9. 14. function to lower cholesterol.
  10. 16. Beans can cure various diseases such as breast cancer, anticancer, and small duct disorders.
  11. 17. prevent hair loss.
  12. 18. to fight cancer.
  1. 1. prevent premature aging and strengthen bones.
  2. 4. overcome cough disorders.
  3. 5. to maintain eye health.
  4. 6. to treat kidney and bladder disorders.
  5. 8. Leaves facilitate breast milk during breastfeeding.
  6. 9. prevent night blindness.
  7. 12. maintain eye health.
  8. 15. prevent free radicals.