  1. 3. Roots that are used as medicine
  2. 5. Leaves arranged artenately on one stalk
  3. 7. The contents are around yellowish white
  4. 8. Usually made fresh vegetables
  5. 11. Contains low calories and fat
  6. 13. Grow in cold areas
  7. 16. Can grow in rice fields and slippery
  8. 17. Creeping and creepinhg plants
  9. 18. Sprouts made from green peas
  10. 19. Shaped like a small stree
  1. 1. Lots of vitamin c
  2. 2. Shoots conical
  3. 3. Can be used as compote
  4. 4. The fruit can be eaten directly and oval
  5. 6. Rooted riding stems hard and woody
  6. 9. Purple in color and usually used as a
  7. 10. Often made into soup
  8. 12. The leaves are winged and long-stemmed
  9. 14. Has small white flowers
  10. 15. Contains vitamin A