  1. 2. was often used as thickening and flavoring for food
  2. 3. are believed to ward off free radicals
  3. 6. can prevent blood clotting
  4. 8. is good for health and skin
  5. 10. are good for heart health because they contain antioxidant compounds.
  6. 11. substitutes rice for both feeding and nutritional value
  7. 12. is one of the very good green vegetables for health
  8. 14. is a vegetable of the brassica or cruciferous family, which includes broccoli and kale, which can grow in all types of soil
  9. 15. is a vegetable plant that only grows in the lowlands and grows much in the yard because it is one of the fence plants
  10. 17. helps to treat anemia, to lower cholesterol and to prevent free radicals and to increase immunity.
  1. 1. is one of the most bitter greens when processed
  2. 4. is believed to prevent cancer
  3. 5. can heal hair loss
  4. 7. serves as an antioxygen and good for the body and high fiber kandugan, which is good for digestion.
  5. 9. helps prevent premature aging, strengthen bones, increase fertility and promote good health
  6. 13. can prevent breast cancer risk
  7. 16. can prevent diabetes