
  1. 3. leaves are reguler plants that can only grow in the lowlands.
  2. 6. is a food or vegetable that has a distinctive aroma.
  3. 7. Beans contain vitamins A, C, K and folate.
  4. 8. is a type of lettuce that comes from a temperate region.
  5. 10. greens contain vitamins C and E.
  6. 11. contains energy, phosphorus and calcium.
  7. 13. contains vitamins C whice is good for our body.
  8. 16. is an herbal plants and is a also often used as a cooking ingredient.
  9. 17. nutritious treat anemea and lower cholesterol.
  10. 18. is useful for increasing body immunity and losing weight.
  1. 1. choy contains calcium which is good for fluid balance in the body.
  2. 2. has a cancer fighting properties and is good for digestion.
  3. 4. are vegetables that contain a source of vegetable protein.
  4. 5. leaves contain protein and iron.
  5. 9. tomatoes prevent cancer and good for the heart.
  6. 12. is a good source of iron for the blood.
  7. 13. melon is a vegetable that taste bitter contains high fiber.
  8. 14. is a source of mineral, namely calcium, iron and potassium.
  9. 15. Beans are vegetable plants that grow by climbing or twisting.
  10. 18. root type that is rich in vitamins.