
  1. 2. a strong-smelling pungent-tasting bulb, used as a flavoring in cooking and in herbal medicine.
  2. 5. Squash quashes that are harvested when immature
  3. 6. a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone.
  4. 8. a tall Mediterranean composite herb resembling a thistle with coarse pinnately incised leaves also
  5. 9. Root a variety of celery cultivated for its edible stem or hypocotyl, and shoots.
  6. 11. Greens The edible leaves of the turnip plant
  7. 14. a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled.
  8. 15. the purple egg-shaped fruit of a tropical Old World plant, which is eaten as a vegetable.
  9. 17. a large rounded orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds.
  10. 18. Chard a beet of a variety with broad white leaf stalks that may be prepared and eaten separately from the green parts of the leaf.
  11. 20. spherical green seed that is eaten as a vegetable or as a pulse when dried.
  12. 21. This dark leafy green belongs to a group of cabbage cultivars grown for their edible leaves.
  13. 23. a green variety of smooth-skinned summer squash.
  14. 25. a fungal growth that typically takes the form of a domed cap on a stalk, with gills on the underside of the cap.
  15. 27. is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head, stalk and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable.
  16. 29. a long-necked onion with a small bulb, in particular a green onion.
  17. 31. a plant related to the onion, with flat overlapping leaves forming an elongated cylindrical bulb which together with the leaf bases is eaten as a vegetable.
  18. 33. or broccoli rabe is a green cruciferous vegetable, with the leaves, buds, and stems all being edible. The buds resemble broccoli.
  19. 34. a tapering orange-colored root eaten as a vegetable.
  20. 35. a long tapering cream-colored root with a sweet flavor.
  1. 1. a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves.
  2. 3. is a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fiber and B-vitamins.
  3. 4. an edible legume. It is an annual plant known for its lens-shaped seeds
  4. 7. a tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots.
  5. 9. Greens a cabbage of a variety that does not develop a heart.
  6. 10. is the name of a native Mexican vine, although the name most commonly refers to the plant's edible tuberous root.
  7. 12. a pungent, hot-tasting powder prepared from dried and ground peppercorns, commonly used as a spice or condiment to flavor food.
  8. 13. Sprouts grown for its edible buds. The leaf vegetables are typically 1.5–4.0 cm in diameter and resemble miniature cabbages.
  9. 16. a glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit that is eaten as a vegetable or in salad.
  10. 19. large, dark green leaves that are eaten raw or cooked
  11. 22. a round root with white or cream flesh which is eaten as a vegetable and also has edible leaves.
  12. 24. a North American cereal plant that yields large grains, or kernels, set in rows on a cob.
  13. 26. Greens the leaves of the mustard plant
  14. 27. a herbaceous plant widely cultivated as a source of food for humans and livestock, and for processing into sugar. Some varieties are grown for their leaves and some for their large nutritious root.
  15. 28. an edible bulb with a pungent taste and smell, composed of several concentric layers, used in cooking.
  16. 30. a cultivated plant of the parsley family, with closely packed succulent leaf stalks that are eaten raw or cooked.
  17. 32. is an edible root vegetable of the family Brassicaceae that was domesticated in Asia prior to Roman times.