
  1. 2. Southern Chinese cabbage.
  2. 5. This is considered one of the most versatile vegetables. (Roots and Tubers)
  3. 10. This fruit-vegetable has rich, high fat flesh.
  4. 12. King of the cabbage family.
  5. 13. These fruit-vegetables go bad fast so they are picked when they are green.
  6. 14. How many categories of vegetables are there?
  7. 18. You can eat the pods of these legumes. (Beans)
  1. 1. This vegetable is a staple ingredient of poverty cooking of the American South. (Greens category)
  2. 2. This vegetable was first cultivated around 1700.
  3. 3. These are the basis of many classic sauces and meat preparations. (Onion category)
  4. 4. A type of beet without the root. (Greens category)
  5. 6. Complex carb in plants; you can eat it, but can’t digest it.
  6. 7. The more finely cloves are crushed, the stronger the flavor. (Onion category)
  7. 8. ______ onions tend to be sweeter and milder.
  8. 9. This category of vegetable is an inexpensive, cool-weather crop.
  9. 11. Was once used as medicine. (Roots and Tubers)
  10. 15. This vegetable comes from the pads of a prickly pear cactus. (Roots and Tubers)
  11. 16. A mushroom is a type of ______.
  12. 17. This vegetable is a grain, a type of grass. (Pods and Seeds)