
  1. 1. Dark green leafy vegetable rich in nutrients
  2. 4. Edible fruit of various plants, often used as a vegetable
  3. 5. Purple vegetable with a spongy texture
  4. 7. Green vegetable with tightly clustered florets
  5. 11. Red or purple root vegetable with a sweet taste
  6. 12. Small spherical green vegetable inside a pod
  7. 13. White vegetable with a compact head of florets
  8. 18. Starchy tuber widely used in cooking
  9. 19. Yellow or white cereal grain often used as a vegetable
  1. 2. Green cylindrical vegetable with a crisp texture
  2. 3. Crisp green stalk vegetable often used for snacking or in soups
  3. 6. Green or white vegetable with tender shoots
  4. 8. Leafy green or purple vegetable often used in salads and coleslaw
  5. 9. Leafy green vegetable used as the base for salads
  6. 10. Green summer squash with a mild flavor
  7. 13. Orange root vegetable
  8. 14. Bulb vegetable with pungent flavor and layers
  9. 15. Red or white root vegetable with a crisp texture and peppery taste
  10. 16. Large orange fruit often used in cooking and carving
  11. 17. Red fruit often used as a vegetable