
  1. 5. A white vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked.
  2. 6. A starchy vegetable that can be baked, mashed, or fried.
  3. 7. A green vegetable that can be grilled, sautéed, or baked.
  4. 8. A round vegetable with layered leaves that can be used in slaw or soup.
  5. 9. A fungi with a unique shape and a meaty texture.
  6. 10. potato An orange vegetable that tastes sweet and is packed with nutrients.
  7. 13. A cool and refreshing vegetable that's great for salads.
  8. 15. A crunchy orange snack that helps keep our eyes healthy.
  1. 1. A purple vegetable used in many delicious recipes.
  2. 2. A leafy green vegetable that Popeye loves to eat.
  3. 3. A pungent vegetable used to add flavor to many dishes.
  4. 4. A green vegetable with tiny trees that are good for us.
  5. 6. Small green spheres that are fun to eat and good for us.
  6. 11. A juicy red fruit often used in salads and sauces.
  7. 12. pepper A colorful vegetable that adds crunch and flavor to meals.
  8. 14. A golden vegetable with sweet kernels that can be boiled, grilled, or roasted.