
  1. 2. It is a summer squash with a mild flavor.
  2. 5. It is a green vegetable with small, dense florets.
  3. 7. It is a fungus that is often used in cooking.
  4. 9. It is a red, juicy vegetable often used in salads.
  5. 11. It is a pungent vegetable used in cooking for flavor.
  6. 12. It is a long, green vegetable with a crunchy texture.
  7. 15. It is a purple-colored vegetable with a smooth skin.
  1. 1. It is a leafy green vegetable packed with nutrients.
  2. 3. It is a long, orange-colored vegetable.
  3. 4. It is a starchy vegetable that can be baked or fried.
  4. 6. It is a leafy vegetable commonly used in salads.
  5. 8. It is a small, round vegetable with a crunchy texture.
  6. 10. It is a yellow vegetable with sweet, juicy kernels.
  7. 13. pepper It is a colorful vegetable that comes in different shades.
  8. 14. They are small, round green vegetables found in pods.