
  1. 4. Pepper A colorful vegetable with a crisp texture and sweet taste, available in green, red, yellow, or orange varieties.
  2. 7. A purple or dark-colored vegetable with a smooth skin and creamy flesh, used in various cuisines.
  3. 9. A round vegetable with a pungent aroma and layers that can be white, yellow, or red, used as a flavoring in many dishes.
  4. 10. A long, green vegetable with a mild flavor, commonly used in soups, stir-fries, and as a pasta substitute.
  5. 12. A long, orange vegetable that grows underground and is crunchy when eaten.
  6. 13. A yellow vegetable with sweet, juicy kernels that grow on a cob, often boiled, grilled, or used in salads.
  7. 14. Small, round green vegetables that grow in pods and are often steamed or added to dishes.
  8. 15. A green vegetable with small, dense florets that grow on a thick stalk, often steamed or stir-fried.
  1. 1. A round or oval-shaped fruit that is red and juicy, often used as a vegetable in cooking.
  2. 2. A white vegetable with a compact head made up of undeveloped flower buds, often steamed or roasted.
  3. 3. Bean Long, slender green vegetables with a crisp texture, often steamed, stir-fried, or used in salads.
  4. 5. A leafy green vegetable with crisp leaves, commonly used in salads and sandwiches.
  5. 6. A dark green leafy vegetable with a slightly bitter taste, rich in nutrients and often cooked or used in salads.
  6. 8. A starchy vegetable with a brown skin and white flesh, often baked, boiled, or mashed.
  7. 11. A long, green vegetable with a smooth skin and crunchy flesh, commonly used in salads.