
  1. 3. A white vegetable with a dense and crunchy texture. It is often used as a low-carb substitute for rice or mashed potatoes.
  2. 4. A leafy vegetable with densely packed leaves and a mild, slightly sweet taste. It is commonly used in salads, stir-fries, or coleslaw.
  3. 5. A small, round vegetable with a crisp texture and a slightly spicy flavor. It is commonly used in salads or as a garnish.
  4. 7. A long, orange root vegetable that is sweet, crunchy, and full of nutrients.
  5. 9. Small, round green vegetables that are sweet and slightly starchy in taste. They are often used in soups, stews, and salads.
  6. 12. A long, green vegetable with a crisp and watery texture. It is commonly used in salads and sandwiches.
  7. 13. A green vegetable with small, dense florets and a crisp texture. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  8. 15. A leafy vegetable with a mild and refreshing taste. It is commonly used as a base for salads and sandwiches.
  9. 17. A bulbous vegetable with a pungent and distinctive flavor. It is used as a flavoring agent in many cuisines.
  10. 18. A leafy green vegetable with a mild and slightly bitter taste. It is known for its high nutrient content.
  11. 19. A fungus with a unique texture and earthy flavor. Mushrooms come in various types and are used in a wide range of dishes.
  1. 1. A green summer squash with a mild flavor and tender texture. It is often used in stir-fries, salads, or as a low-carb pasta substitute.
  2. 2. Potato An orange-fleshed root vegetable that is sweet and moist when cooked. It is often baked, mashed, or used in pies and fries.
  3. 6. Long, thin spears with a tender texture and a slightly earthy flavor. They are often steamed or roasted and used as a side dish.
  4. 8. Beans Long, slender green vegetables with a crisp and crunchy texture. They are commonly used as a side dish or in stir-fries.
  5. 10. A red or yellow fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in cooking. It has a juicy texture and a slightly sweet and tangy taste.
  6. 11. A purple or white vegetable with a smooth and glossy skin. It has a meaty texture and is used in various dishes, such as curries or stews.
  7. 13. Pepper A sweet and colorful vegetable with a crunchy texture. It comes in various colors, such as red, green, or yellow.
  8. 14. A yellow or white vegetable with sweet and juicy kernels. It is commonly boiled, grilled, or used in various dishes.
  9. 16. A starchy vegetable with a soft and fluffy texture when cooked. It is a versatile ingredient used in various dishes.