
  1. 3. Green vegetable with a crisp texture and a mild flavor
  2. 5. Dark green leafy vegetable packed with nutrients
  3. 6. Summer squash with a mild flavor and a firm texture
  4. 7. pepper Sweet and crunchy vegetable with a bell-like shape
  5. 8. Starchy vegetable with a brown skin and a soft interior
  6. 9. Leafy vegetable with tightly packed leaves and a crisp texture
  7. 10. Purple vegetable with a smooth skin and a creamy flesh
  8. 12. Yellow vegetable with kernels arranged in rows on a cob
  9. 13. Orange vegetable with a crunchy texture and a sweet taste
  10. 14. Tender vegetable with long, thin stalks and a mild taste
  1. 1. Fleshy fungus with a unique flavor and texture
  2. 2. Leafy green vegetable often used in salads
  3. 4. Bulb vegetable with layers of papery skin and a pungent taste
  4. 7. Green vegetable with small, tightly packed florets
  5. 8. Colorful vegetable with a variety of flavors and spice levels
  6. 11. Red fruit often used as a vegetable in cooking