
  1. 3. White vegetable with a compact head made up of small florets. It can be eaten raw or cooked.
  2. 4. Bulb vegetable with layers and a strong smell. It adds flavor to many dishes when cooked.
  3. 7. Long, green vegetable with a cool and refreshing taste. It is often eaten raw in salads.
  4. 9. Red, round fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable. It is juicy and has a slightly tangy taste.
  5. 10. Green vegetable with small, tree-like florets. It is packed with vitamins and is good for you.
  6. 11. Purple vegetable with a smooth skin. It can be grilled, roasted, or used in dishes like ratatouille.
  7. 12. Leafy green vegetable with dark green leaves. It is rich in nutrients and good for strong bones.
  8. 13. Small, round green vegetables that come in a pod. They are sweet and can be eaten fresh or cooked.
  1. 1. Beans Long, slender green vegetables. They are crunchy and can be eaten raw or cooked.
  2. 2. Starchy vegetable with a brown skin and white flesh inside. It can be boiled, baked, or fried.
  3. 3. Yellow vegetable with rows of kernels on a cob. It is sweet and often eaten boiled or grilled.
  4. 5. Green vegetable with long, tender spears. It has a unique flavor and is rich in vitamins.
  5. 6. Green vegetable with a mild flavor. It is often used in stir-fries, salads, or as a substitute for pasta.
  6. 7. Long, orange vegetable that grows underground. It is crunchy and sweet when eaten.
  7. 8. Pepper Colorful vegetable with a crisp texture. It comes in different colors like green, red, or yellow.