
  1. 3. Dark green leaves often used in salads and cooking.
  2. 5. A white vegetable with a mild flavor, often used in dishes.
  3. 6. Potato An orange root vegetable with a sweet flavor.
  4. 8. A purple or black vegetable used in cooking and grilling.
  5. 10. A green, crisp vegetable commonly eaten fresh or in salads.
  6. 12. A green vegetable with small, tree-like florets.
  7. 14. Pepper A colorful vegetable often used in cooking and salads.
  1. 1. Fleshy fungi used in a variety of savory dishes.
  2. 2. A green vegetable with tender shoots, typically steamed or grilled.
  3. 4. A type of summer squash, often used in various dishes.
  4. 7. A red or yellow fruit often used as a vegetable in cooking.
  5. 9. Small, round green vegetables often used in side dishes.
  6. 10. An orange root vegetable with a sweet taste.
  7. 11. A round or oval-shaped vegetable with layers of leaves.
  8. 13. A yellow or white cereal grain, often eaten as a vegetable.