
  1. 1. mostly water
  2. 3. like a white carrot
  3. 4. like a large parsnip
  4. 6. a small onion
  5. 10. do not use as a weapon
  6. 11. makes you cry
  7. 12. like a bean but much thicker
  8. 17. red green or yellow
  9. 19. sounds italian
  10. 21. makes you strong
  11. 22. some are long and green or yellow
  12. 24. grows on a tree
  13. 25. beer with a k
  14. 26. capital of Belgium
  15. 28. too much water
  1. 1. used in cakes sometimes
  2. 2. not really a vegetable
  3. 5. used in salads
  4. 7. if ended with a t you could write on it
  5. 8. sweet tuber
  6. 9. has a zed in it
  7. 13. not found with chickens
  8. 14. gives you bad breath
  9. 15. very small
  10. 16. red when ripe
  11. 18. do not need flippers
  12. 20. a long taxi
  13. 23. found in a song
  14. 27. a tuber