vehicular transportation

  1. 3. these sports cars are known for making over 1000 horsepower from their engine called the 2jz
  2. 5. they make another car that is famous for making 1000 horsepower when tuned, the GTR
  3. 8. this car recently switched from front mid engine, to rear mid engine
  4. 11. Chevrolets answer to the bronco
  5. 13. founded because Ferrari has bad customer service
  6. 14. found on road dead
  1. 1. they have made some of the worlds fastest cars like the Veyron and Chiron
  2. 2. notorious for hitting crowds
  3. 4. their best selling car has the same name as the polices phone number
  4. 6. their cars were used and supported by Germany in the early 40's
  5. 7. makes a reliable, affordable and popular car called the civic
  6. 9. an engine famous for powering many American cars in the 60's
  7. 10. the founder also makes rockets and flamethrowers
  8. 12. a cheep Russian car manufacture
  9. 14. supercars with a horse on the badge