
  1. 3. Elevated levels of glucose due to insulin based diseases.
  2. 4. Localized tissue becoming red, swollen, inflamed, and painful.
  3. 5. Persisting for a long time.
  4. 9. A self-damaging immune response, especially to pollen and dust.
  5. 11. Release from anxiety or distress.
  6. 12. The life supporting component of air.
  1. 1. A severe pain of the cranium, sometimes with visual disturbances.
  2. 2. Inhalation or exhalation of air.
  3. 6. An ornamental, prickly shrub grown for its beautiful flowers.
  4. 7. Wind distributed grains of microscopic fertility released from a male flower.
  5. 8. High strung, excitable, too much!
  6. 10. Elastic organs that expose blood to oxygen.