Veni Creator

  1. 2. Fountain
  2. 4. gift
  3. 6. [you] have created
  4. 8. which
  5. 10. fill
  6. 11. who
  7. 14. Paraclete/Advocate
  8. 17. of the Highest
  9. 20. come
  10. 21. Charity/Love
  11. 22. Anointing
  1. 1. of Your own
  2. 3. minds
  3. 4. [you] are called
  4. 5. of God
  5. 7. spiritual
  6. 9. chests/hearts
  7. 12. grace
  8. 13. you
  9. 15. fire
  10. 16. heavenly, lofty
  11. 18. Spirit
  12. 19. living