Ventilation and Breathing

  1. 1. nasal or oral/ where air enters the body
  2. 3. gas exchanged in lungs
  3. 6. a law that shows the inverse relationship of P & V
  4. 8. it contracts during inspiration
  5. 12. a type of spirometer that uses flow rate to measure volume
  6. 13. records changes in lung volume
  7. 14. a respiratory infection that is riddling the nation
  8. 15. this volume can be seen during restful breathing
  9. 17. small air sacks
  10. 18. this is where air flows through (respiratory___)
  11. 19. primary organ of the respiratory system
  12. 20. force over area
  1. 2. a law that says pressure exerted by a gas is proportional to temperature
  2. 4. the volume of air left after expiration
  3. 5. medical term for shortness of breath
  4. 7. chronic lung disease that's caused by hypersensitive bronchi
  5. 9. the act of breathing
  6. 10. these muscles contract during inspiration
  7. 11. this loop gives information that is diagnostically significant
  8. 16. from nasal cavity to alveoli