  1. 3. Past tense of WRITE
  2. 4. Past tense of SEE
  3. 6. Past tense of LOSE
  4. 9. Past tense of GO
  5. 11. Past tense of DRINK
  6. 13. Past tense of HELP
  7. 14. "Montado" in English.
  8. 18. "Enamorado" in English
  9. 20. "Bailar" in English
  10. 21. Past participle of EAT
  11. 23. "Vestir" in English
  12. 25. Past tense of TAKE
  13. 26. Past tense of RIDE
  1. 1. Past tense of MEET
  2. 2. Past participle of DRINK
  3. 4. Past participle of SEE
  4. 5. "Ver" in English
  5. 7. Past tense of "navegar" in English
  6. 8. Past tense of CALL
  7. 10. "Enamorarse" in English
  8. 12. Past participle of WRITE
  9. 15. "Jugado" in English
  10. 16. Past tense of "escalar" in English
  11. 17. "Comprar" in PAST TENSE in English.
  12. 19. Past participle of TAKE
  13. 22. Past tense of WIN
  14. 24. "Leer" in English