Verb Mood Practice

  1. 2. Verbs in the ______ mood express a wish or demand.
  2. 4. Verbs in the ________ mood indicate a fact or opinion.
  3. 7. Verbs in the interrogative mood ask a _______.
  4. 8. The number of verb moods.
  5. 9. The subjunctive mood can express hypothetical situations that are unlikely, __________, or contrary to fact.
  6. 10. Verbs in the ______ mood express something that will happen if certain conditions are met.
  1. 1. "I recommend" is an example of the _______ ______.
  2. 3. most English sentences using the conditional include a dependent ___ clause.
  3. 5. The conditional mood expresses hypothetical situations that are ________.
  4. 6. "Can i go to my friend's house?" is an example of the ______ mood.