Verbos como gustar

  1. 2. Collecting cards interests her
  2. 3. Baking bothers her
  3. 5. Wacthing movies bores us
  4. 6. Football bothers you
  5. 8. I like sports
  6. 9. cards interest him
  7. 10. They don't like golf
  8. 13. darts annoy you
  9. 14. I like to play chess
  10. 16. They love to compete
  11. 17. I love movies
  1. 1. You like games
  2. 4. Videogames bore you
  3. 7. Shows fascinate them
  4. 10. Volleyball annoys him
  5. 11. the concert bores him
  6. 12. Winning fascinates us
  7. 15. I don't like to lose