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  1. 3. Families gather around a warm meal on chilly winter evenings.
  2. 4. After the first snowfall, the children eagerly grab their sleds.
  3. 7. After the first big snow, people flock to the slopes for some skiing and snowboarding.
  4. 10. Soup is the best meal on a cold day.
  5. 12. In winter, the days are shorter and darker.
  6. 13. We decorate the house for the entire winter holiday season.
  7. 15. Mom places nutcrackers and snow globes on the fireplace mantle for decoration.
  8. 16. On the outskirts of town, a secluded cabin sits in the woods.
  9. 17. I sit by the fireplace on cold days.
  10. 19. Snow made the roads slick.
  1. 1. The streets sparkle with holiday lights throughout the winter season.
  2. 2. Strands of colorful lights create a merry glow throughout the entire house.
  3. 5. Along the frozen riverbank, children build snowmen.
  4. 6. I love to snuggle with my puppy on cold winter nights.
  5. 7. The pond freezes over for ice skating during the winter months.
  6. 8. Birds migrate to warmer climates before the onset of winter.
  7. 9. Many people travel to warm destinations for the holidays.
  8. 11. On the front porch, a wreath with red ribbons hangs on the door.
  9. 14. During a heavy snowfall, schools and businesses close for safety.
  10. 15. The children and teachers pray for a snow day.
  11. 18. In the cozy warm home, a Christmas tree is decorated with ornaments and lights.